Choosing the Right Intelligent Virtual Assistant for Your Business

Intelligent Virtual Assistant for Your Business

Companies and entrepreneurs are constantly handling various tasks and responsibilities in the current business dynamic. Therefore, efficient support is more crucial than ever. Additional support helps maintain, arrange, and align many tasks. Due to this reason, companies are looking forward to hiring virtual assistants. 

It is essential to hire the right virtual assistant so that they can fulfill your business demands. Look for a virtual assistant service that offers knowledgeable and skilled assistants who can help remotely with various personal and business tasks.

Let’s discuss the steps and questions you should have during the hiring process for a reliable  Virtual Assistant so that you can make an informed choice.

Insights About Virtual Assistant (VA)

Every business needs extra support to review repetitive and tedious tasks. Virtual assistants help companies and entrepreneurs with regular tasks and services. They work remotely and complete all of their operations digitally. Even though they work remotely, they are full-time employees of your firm and boost productivity. These virtual assistant services help you with various requirements that fit your business needs.

They are helpful for companies struggling with an employee shortage or those looking for cost-effective remote work options.  

Everything You Need to Consider Before Hiring a Virtual Assistant Service


Here are some in-depth pointers you must consider before hiring a virtual assistant. 

  1. Figure out what you need

Consider your needs for a minute before searching for a virtual assistant. Create a list of tasks that you will assign to the person hired. You need a clear idea of your short—and long-term goals. 

  1. Skills levels 

Virtual assistants have expertise in various fields, such as content writing or video editing. Some are good at administrative tasks like email management and appointment scheduling. You must decide which skills are necessary for your job and search accordingly.

  1. Experience required

You may need a virtual assistant with a certain level of competence, depending on how demanding your responsibilities are. Some virtual assistants have general skills and knowledge in major fields, which helps them perform various activities. On the other hand, others have technical expertise in one or more fields. It depends on whether you want to work with a new or experienced virtual assistant.

  1. Choose an effective communication schedule

Effective communication is essential when working with a virtual assistant. Choose the platform and the calls you will take while working with the virtual assistant. Include regular video communication only if the work requires it; otherwise, you can use written communication.

  1. Choose the best available time according to different time zones

You need to plan the duration for which you need the virtual assistant service. If your tasks require immediate attention during business hours, you must choose someone who can work according to your schedule. However, your search will be more flexible if a virtual assistant can complete tasks simultaneously.

  1. Work samples or references of past work

It is essential to find out the virtual assistant’s performance and work history. There should be no excuse for not getting the most recent reviews from a client or a work sample. With these samples, you can easily verify their performance, reliability, work ethics, and quality of results. Call the references if you need further information.

  1. Contract signing

Once you have a prospect for a virtual assistant, proceed to make a contract stating all relevant information. The contract includes pay, work to be done, and over what time, among other essential details.

  1. Budget (Set up a pay range)

You must create a clear and precise payment plan, hourly or project-wise, depending on your company’s needs. The charges requested are based on the service provider’s area of expertise, level of experience, or specialization. You decide the level of skills, expertise, and work you want from them. 

Important Questions to Ask at the Time of the Interview

During the interview, asking essential questions is needed to identify whether they are perfect for working in that position. The list below is likely to provide help in determining whether the particular candidate is appropriate for holding the position or not:

  1. How long have you been working as a virtual assistant?

It takes you into the context of understanding the virtual assistant and measures the actual need.

  1. Can you provide me with information about your past involvement in projects that could be relevant to this project’s work?

It will safely assume that the candidate has past involvement with the jobs and tasks your business requires.

  1. What communication platform is most convenient for you?

Communication is key to a good working relationship with a virtual assistant.

  1. How do you manage various kinds of tasks and their priorities?

This question helps to understand more about how he plans his time and arranges tasks according to priority. 

  1. Do you have experience in using the required tools and techniques?

This question will determine if the virtual assistant works with the technologies of your preference and can speed up the onboarding process.

  1. Can you provide examples of client feedback and work samples?

Talking to the references would give you an idea about the service.

  1. What security protocols do you follow to protect sensitive data?

If your service involves data, you must address this question. It will get the VA working under the security protocols in place.

  1. How many hours do you want to work?

You must always confirm how their availability can be in sync with any time differences.

  1. What methodologies do you implement for tracking and updating the task status?

If it involves tracking and reporting tasks, it reveals transparency in the work relationship.

  1. What do you do when you need more time to complete a task?

This question will help you evaluate their problem-solving ability and creative communication skills in critical times.


Getting the right virtual assistant can be more challenging than it seems. It requires proper consideration of needs, preferences, budget, the right questions to be asked during the interview, and the research of different ways of finding a virtual assistant. The right way of searching will get you the most suitable virtual assistant—someone who understands and supports your personal and professional ambitions.

If you need to find the best provider for virtual assistant services, then Tele Call Center Outsourcing is what you need. Our team offers excellent virtual assistants in addition to years of business experience that come along with experienced specialists. With worldwide service coverage, our team continues to attract highly skilled professionals who can provide the full range of services necessary for effectively running businesses. Contact us now to learn more about our services.

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